
Great Long Beach Auxiliary Dwelling Unity Construction

covenant adjunct dwelling Units (ADUs) What is a Long Beach ADU? Definition and Overview An adjunct dwelling Unit (ADU) is a additional housing unit on a single-family residential lot. ADUs can be attached to the main house, detached, or even a converted allowance of an existing structure following a garage. Types of ADUs Long Beach Attached ADUs Attached ADUs allowance a wall following the main house. These units are often built as extensions or additions to the existing home, providing convenient access even if maintaining some level of privacy. Detached ADUs Detached ADUs are surgically remove structures on the thesame property. These units have enough money more privacy and can be meant to adjunct the main house's architecture. Garage Conversions Garage conversions are a popular type of ADU where an existing garage is transformed into a livable space. This unconventional is often more cost-effective as it utilizes an existing structure. Benefits of ADUs Ad